Jesus is the greatest man who ever lived. Whether you are visiting our church for the first time or you are a member, our firm foundation is to “gather to make much of Jesus Christ by knowing Him and making Him known.” We believe that everything in the Church should center on Jesus. You may hear us use the term “Gospel” or “The Good News.” What makes the Gospel such good news is that God has sent His Son Jesus into the world to live a perfect and sinless life, to die upon the cross, and to rise from the grave in order to give freely the gift of eternal life to all who put their hope, trust, and faith in Him alone. It is good news because Jesus has secured for eternity the very thing we need: forgiveness of sins. He accomplished this by essentially “drinking” the full cup of God’s wrath that was meant for us. It is good news because our relationship with God isn’t based on our good actions or good deeds but purely on the sacrifice of Jesus. It is good news because we can never lose our gift of salvation. He will hold us securely to the end. It is good news because God looks upon us with profound love and pleasure and delight. It is good news because Jesus didn’t die in vein but after three days in the grave He arose and thus proved that He was no mere man or teacher but the King of Kings. It is good news because He ascended to His heavenly throne where He was highly exalted and bestowed with the name that is above every name. It is good news because He is coming back to gather His people scattered abroad, to deal justly as the supreme ruler of all things, and to fully consummate the Kingdom of God. Jesus is the good news. Jesus is the Gospel.